Flo continues her vegan challenge ……. she’s got balls.

Plant-based chickballs, that is.

Florence is doing an amazing job sticking to her vegan challenge that she started on February 1st.  Here are her latest adventures:

Flo says:

I can hardly believe it is already day 17 of my 21 day vegan challenge!  So far it has been a piece of cake….ummm, I mean a piece of gluten free, egg free, dairy free cake….let’s just said it’s been a piece of bread (multi-grain bread).   But seriously, I have been enjoying some fabulous foods, with my new favorite being “wheatballs”.  They are so versatile!  I’ve had wheatballs in thai sauce with rice;  barbequed wheatballs ; and my fave, wheatballs and spaghetti!  Since Susan is the recipe lady, I will let her supply you with a healthy recipe for these little delights.

The most difficult thing I have encountered with living a vegan lifestyle is not about choosing new foods, it is about getting OTHER people to accept these choices.  Yesterday I spoke at a Chicken Soup for the Soul Luncheon (where I dined on tomato soup and veggie wraps).  A big part of my talk was about the difference between a positive attitude and a survivor’s attitude.   A positive attitude is a wonderful thing, and I credit it with being instrumental to my healing and recovery from cancer.  Even more important than a positive attitude however, is the survivor’s attitude which I continue to maintain.  A survivor’s attitude combines positive attitude, with positive ACTION!  As a cancer survivor, I am going to do everything in my power to continue to stay healthy and prevent a cancer reoccurrence.  If that means changing my diet, I WILL change my diet.  If that means exercising more, I WILL exercise more.  If that means giving up wine….well let’s not get carried away here.  Wine is vegan after all.

I would just like for people to accept my food choices and understand that I am not turning down your lasagna or cupcakes to be rude, or because I am picky.  I am doing it because I want to stay alive! If there are any stray cancer cells lurking in this body, I want to STARVE them by eating a plant based diet, not FEED them with animal fats and sugar.  So please don’t hate me because I’m veganJ.

Susan, do you have any tips for us this week?  And can you please share a chickball recipe with our readers?

Savvy Sister pic

Way to go Flo!  The mind is a complex thing, isn’t it?  Food is not only sustenance; it’s also a centerpiece for social gatherings and offers emotional comfort.  Humans want “belong” to a group and have a sense of conformity and sharing food means connecting.

But I wonder, Flo, if you were diabetic, and didn’t have dessert would they force their cherry cheesecake on you and shun you if you didn’t partake?  Eating a diet to avoid cancer is really the same thing.

We all make choices about our health and no one should feel “weird” because of them.  That’s why I try not to use the word “vegan” as stated before, and prefer the term “plant-based”.

See? I told you vegans can be buff.  And just look at the size of those feet!

See? I told you vegans can be buff. And just look at the size of those feet!

One blooger even made up his own name for plant-based eaters: “Veganauts” , and his own definition  for the word. (that’s what you can do when you make up your own word)

Here’s how Jason defines it:

ve-gan-aut /VEE-gun-ot/ (n.) 1. a person who is exploring the rewarding vegan lifestyle without actually meeting all of the vegan tenets all of the time.   2. someone who lives like a vegan but makes occasional allowances for transgressions without giving up the vegan lifestyle afterwards.  3. any omnivore who is experimenting with plant-based eating or vegan living. 4. a person who is sick and damn tired of defending their own personal brand of veganism and prefers to have a label nobody can argue with.  An example sentence: Sarah is a veganaut because even though she is almost always vegan, she wears leather shoes and eats cheese fondue once a month with her Mother-in-law and has some turkey on Thanksgiving.

Here are some tips when talking about your new plant-based diet.

1.  Don’t allow yourself to feel different.  You are the ray of light on a new horizon! You are a teacher of health! YOU are the cool one. …yeah you are! “No one can make you feel inferior without your permission” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

2.  Don’t preach.  As tempting as it is, don’t lecture your dinner companions on the dangers of casein (milk protein), and how it’s linked to high rates of cancer.   And never start a sentence with “Did you know……?”  If people ask, keep it simple.  If they want to know more, they will contact you later.

3.  Don’t condemn. I have eaten with vegans at a table and I’ve wanted to slap the “icky faces” off them as they watch their carnivore friend chow down on a plate full of ribs.  Keep your reactions to yourself.  People have a right to choose what they put in their bodies.  If asked, keep it focused on why YOU are vegan not how THEY should be.

4. Realize that at some restaurants, you may be having a salad…again.  If going out to eat with friends, check the menu online and figure out what you can eat beforehand.  Most restaurants will be happy to add or subtract items or cook in oil vs butter if you ask.  Some restaurants (even steakhouses) that I have been to recently have a separate vegan menu.  Aren’t YOU special! And remember, going out to eat with friends is a social thing. Avoid bringing a baggie of food with you.

5. Try to make concessions.  If your neighbor makes you chicken soup because you’re sick, don’t tell her “Oh, sorry, I’m a vegan and I can’t eat this.”  Take the soup, do with it whatever, and tell the person it was delicious and thanks them. If it’s someone’s birthday, have a sliver of cake. Whether you sit there and push it around or you eat it, there’s good energy behind the food, so try not to refuse.

6. Be nice! Not everyone will agree with your decision and some may even tell you that your choices will make you sick. Remember you may be the first vegan this person has encountered and it falls on you to make us all look good.  Just smile a lot and realize that it’s ok because God loves even the idiots.

If anyone has any stories about their encounters with those not accepting of your diet, let us know how you dealt with it.

Here’s the chickball recipe! Enjoy! And Flo..keep up the good work!

Chickballs (options given…do em whichever way you like em)

Always try to use organic ingredients when possible

1 (15.5 ounce) can chickpeas, drained and rinsed (or avoid the BPA in the can by cooking your own)

1 cup chopped white mushrooms

2 cloves garlic, minced

2 tablespoons minced fresh parsley

2 tablespoons tomato paste

1 1/2  to 2 tablespoons soy sauce (find a soy sauce without cancer-causing caramel coloring and MSG)

1 ½ tablespoons of organic extra virgin olive oil, plus more for cooking

½ cup dry bread crumbs or use rice crumbs (or 4 Wasa rye crisp crackers ground in a blender to make it gluten free)

½ cup whole wheat flour or chickpea flour for gluten free (if you use the wheat, you can call them wheatballs if that makes you feel better)

¼ cup of nutritional yeast (optional but consider this high protein/non-yeast source that is usually fortified with B12…a vitamin that is essential but is mostly found in animal products,  so vegan should get it when they can I use Bragg’s, but there are lots of brands out there)

1 teaspoon dried basil

1 teaspoon dried oregano

½ teaspoon paprika

½ teaspoon salt (Season to taste. I found I didn’t need the salt when using the full 2 Tablespoons of soy sauce)

¼ teaspoon black pepper


If cooking the chickpeas, rinse and place in a pot covered with water. Cover and soak overnight (12 hours). Replace water with twice the volume of the chickpeas, and bring to a boil. Lower heat, cover, and simmer 1 hour. Strain and allow to cool.  Cooked chickpeas can be placed in 16-ounce containers and frozen for 3 months (It’s like having a can in your freezer.  I do this with black beans too.)

If using canned make sure you rinse extremely well.

-in food processor, combine chickpeas, mushrooms, garlic and parsley, and pulse until coarsely ground, but not pureed.  Add the remaining ingredients and pulse to combine.


-with a spatula, scrape the mixture into a large bowl and knead the mixture until well blended, about 2 minutes.

-pinch off  small pieces  of the mixture and roll into one and a half inch balls.


-in a large skillet, cover the bottom with olive oil and fry the wheatballs, turning frequently to brown the on all sides, about 5 minutes.

You don't really need  lot of oil to brown these, and using cast iron is always a healthier way to cook

You don’t really need lot of oil to brown these, and using cast iron is always a healthier way to cook

These wheatballs freeze well and can be used in any recipe which calls for meatballs.  They also passed the “I’m not eating anything vegan” husband test. He gobbled them up in a flash.

Nutritional info

Makes about 17 balls Nutrition per ball when chick pea flour, rye cracker flour, and nutritional yeast options are used ….Calories: 75, Fat: 2.5, Protein: 4.8, Iron: 4.5% RDA,  Fiber: 3.5 grams  Vitamin B12: 13% RDA

Using the rye cracker crumbs vs the breadcrumbs saves calories and also saves you from the sugars, and preservatives that breadcrumbs contain.  The rye crisps contain rye flour, water and salt.  This post is not big enough to list all the ingredients in processed bread crumbs. Go to Wasa for more info

Using chick pea flour instead of wheat flour gives you 5 times the protein, more iron, and 3 times the fiber than using wheat flour. These small changes add up and make your healthy diet even healthier!

Nutritional yeast, while it has yeast in it’s name, is not a live yeast product.  It is the shell of the dead yeast cells that contain an abundance of protein and adds a very unique flavor to anything it touches.  Most nutritional yeast products are fortified with B Vitamins including B12…the one that vegans need to supplement in their diet.

We also have a new website for our book. Check it out if you’re so inclined. Thanks!

Categories: bioidentical hormones, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness, health and wellness, vegan cooking, vegan recipes

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15 replies

  1. these look so delish!! 🙂 I make something quite similar to it………however http://kitchensmitten.wordpress.com/2014/01/17/falafel-middle-eastern-food/ is a middle eastern vegan recipe. It goes to show how we have different variations of the same dish around the world 🙂

  2. I love your positive attitude and strive for maintaining the challenge. And the chickballs look incredible!

  3. Way to go Flo!! I LOVE being a vegan gah!! I feel like a superhuman! These balls…YUM!

  4. MMMM! tasty vegan balls: I must make them soon! 🙂

  5. Yummy looking balls! This veganaut whole(wheat) heartedly approves 🙂 Love the tips for being a thoughtful plant-eater too

  6. Those Wheatballs were excellent!!!!!! I’d take them over meatballs they were that good

  7. Savvy Sis…the balls sound chick ball-icous! I will try….can I sub the tomato paste for something else? and crackers/bread with yeast free crackers (Mary’s gone crackers is a great brand) If i am going to a steak restaurant with clients…i make sure i call ahead to see what choices I have as a vegan (I dont’ eat yeast products either) 9 time out of 10 they have a wonderful veggie choice and potato choice. I make sure I order last so no attention is brought to the fact I have not ordered a big piece of meat! If I don’t see anything on the menu…i usually eat before I go out and have a large salad. If going to a cocktail party..that is a little easier..I eat before I go and have a glass of wine…no one really cares if you eat or not. This lifestyle is really becoming easier…most great chef’s enjoy the challenge to find something tasty and vegan for patrons. And more and more…my vegan choices are becoming meaningful conversation at the dinner table whether with friends or clients
    Great job Flo! Keep up the great work!!

    • Thanks for the great advice! The crackers are yeast free. They are the Wasa light rye (some of the other Wasa crackers do contain yeast. But you could sub out anything for the breadcrumbs that is crumb-like. I would imagine that a flax egg would work well in place of the tomato paste. (1 tablespoon flax seeds finely ground mixed with 2 1/2 tablespoons warm water. Let sit for 3-5 minutes) I will try this and let you know

So whaddya think?