Florence is doing splendidly on her vegan challenge! This week she discovered bok choy and I was happy to give her the nutritional info on it plus a yummy Asian bok choy slaw recipe!

The Perks of Having Cancer!

bok choy

In my own defence, let me begin by saying that I was not reared up eating bok choy.  However, when I first tasted this powerhouse veggie at Shawn’s house a few weeks ago, I was delighted with its mild flavor and superb crispiness.   I immediately added it to my list of what to buy for the vegan challenge.   So off I go to Sobeys, feeling very vegan-esque as I loaded my cart with such green delights as kale, collard greens and of course bok choy.  I was pleasantly surprised at its low price of just $2.49, as I greedily rummaged through the display for the largest bunch I could find.  Then it was off to the check out for yet another surprise……. this one not so pleasant.   Kale: $3.99; collard greens: $2.99; boy choy: $9.71.  NINE DOLLARS AND SEVENTY ONE CENTS!

“There must be some mistake,” I said, “the sign…

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Categories: health

1 reply

  1. Thanks for your help, Coach!

So whaddya think?