Are Blackberries Really Black?

Well…dark red, really.

The lovely Bookjunkie on her Tiny Island recently posted this fresh little tidbit about blackberries:


photo by bookjunkie


According to this article on UK Food Guide, I never knew that blackberries were the relatives of the rose. This is another imported fruit and here are the numerous benefits of eating them as detailed in the UK Food Guide:

Wild blackberries are relatives of the rose and the soft, juicy fruit grows on thorny bushes or trailing vines. Just like a raspberry, the blackberry is called an “aggregate fruit” because each berry is really a cluster of tiny fruits, or druplets….

Blackberries are considered to be an astringent because of their high tannin content. Studies show that tannins tighten tissue, lesson minor bleeding, and may help to alleviate diarrhea and intestinal inflammation. German health authorities recommend blackberries for mild infections including sore throats and mouth irritations. Traditionally, blackberries have been used to alleviate hemorrhoids because of their rich tannin content. Scientists have also reported antitumor properties associated with tannins found in some varieties of blackberries. Overindulgence of tannin-rich blackberries may lead to constipation.

Blackberries abound in antioxidants, such as anthocyanin pigments, responsible for the purplish-black colour of blackberries and may impart health benefits because of their antioxidant properties. Additional antioxidants in blackberries are vitamins C and E, and ellagic acid; all may provide protection against cancer and chronic disease. Cooking does not seem to destroy ellagic acid, so even blackberry jams and desserts retain ellagic acid health benefits. Interestingly, blackberries are a natural source of salicylate, an active substance found in aspirin. Potential benefits have yet to be explored and some experts advise caution to particularly aspirin-sensitive individuals. Because of their many tiny seeds, blackberries are a source of soluble fibre, such as pectin.

Her post really got me craving some blackberries. Since there weren’t any in season, I bought a bag of frozen blackberries and made a quick “sorbet” type shake.  I just wanted something sweet for dessert.

1/2 cup frozen blackberries

5 whole frozen strawberries

1/2 cup almond milk (you could use soy or rice milk also)

Combine in a blender and blend until smooth. Add 1 – 2 TBS water if needed.



This light refreshing dessert has only 155 calories

Makes about 1 cup.

calories: 155, fat: 1g, fiber: 4.5 g, protein: 1g    45% RDA vitamin C

The color is gorgeous–and the taste is even better!

Thanks for the inspiration Bookjunkie!


Categories: health, healthy diet, nutrition

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9 replies

  1. I just discovered that blackberries are a trigger for my migraines! Maybe it’s the tannin. Anyway, I have doubled up on blueberry/raspberry consumption and seem to have no ill effects.

  2. That smoothie looks delicious and so healthy also. Gonna make this the coming weekend

  3. That looks great. We’ve been doing some similar things in our blender and processor. Berry-related tangent: It seems like if you can find them, it’s cheaper right now to buy fresh blueberries than frozen. That’s if you can find them, which is hard to do this time of year. If you’re committed to eating local produce only, then forget it. Any thoughts on that? Best to buy local in-season and freeze them yourself for use throughout the year?

  4. Thanks so much for the blog love Savvy Sister. I was inspired by you to get healthy.

    That smoothy looks like it is packed with antioxidants. Glowing skin will be here stat 🙂


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