Versatile Blogger Award–Thanks!

I am normally not humbled to receive a “chain-letter”, but I was humbled to receive the Versatile Blogger Award by “Watch Me Lose 150 Pounds” a very entertaining blogger.  He was once an Atkins dieter and now has “seen the light”.  Join him in his journey as he loses 150 pounds (hence the title of the blog) by going vegan! You can check out his facebook page: From Atkins to Vegan in a Heartbeat and twitter @Atkins2vegan too.  He’s a great writer and shares my love of sarcasm.

It was great to read his post and to see who he listed to pass the award on to, because I found some great vegan blogs that I never knew existed.

As for me, I started out blogging over a year ago, because I had learned so much from my experience as a nurse, and then as a cancer patient, that I wanted to save people from mistakes that I had made and help them along the road to better health and happiness.  As my blogging became more involved,  I began to meet the most wonderful people and, well…I was hooked.

Now with my business, MOON Organics, my facebook page, twitter, pintrest etc. (please…no more social media!) the blog helps me to share information and connect with some pretty great people and help them do some pretty great things for those going through treatment, as well as spread the word about healthy options for personal care/beauty products.

There are rules with anything in life, and the Versatile Blogger Award is no exception. The rules are:

  • Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them in your post.
  • Share 7 things about yourself.
  • Pass the award on to 15 more bloggers that YOU enjoy.
  • Contact the bloggers that you have chosen to let them know that they have been nominated!

So here goes…. (the thanking part is done I think)

7 things about me

  1. I am an RN who started out working in urology…mostly males…. I have probably seen over 5000 “free Willies”.
  2. I H-A-T-E flying.
  3. I can speak fluent pig latin. (eally-ray)
  4. I will continue to help people find ways to get healthy and happy for as long as I am able to blog.
  5. I hate my middle name (Jean…sorry, all you Jeans out there)
  6. I would leave seriously consider leaving my husband for John Stamos if given the opportunity.
  7. I was a decorative painter at one time. (see school mural below)

Painted the stripes too!

And now for MY nominees:

Watch Me Lose 150 Pounds…again thanks for the mention

A Sonoma Garden…out-doorsey and some amazing homemade stuff

A Spoonful of Remedy..a delightful blog that mixes nutrition with Eastern medicine written by a “soon to be medicinal food instructor” in Japan.

Japeckae….always good for a laugh…and he responds to every comment, but watch out for the sarcasm!

You Monsters are People….comics and stories for those of us with a “unique” sense of humor.

Talking Leaves...Simple short verses by a wonderful poet, William Leed

Chuzai Living…all about Singapore. I love Kahos’ photos…I feel as if I visit Singapore every time I read a post.

Total Health, Naturally…..very informative blog written by a naturopath Dr Negin Misaghi

OnRPEI…..a site for those living on and around Prince Edward Island and created by PL Holden. PL is a talented music and theater reviewer.  He’s also a heck of a nice guy. PL nominated me for the 7×7 Link Award and I never thanked him…better late than never PL?

BellaOnline….Lots of bloggers make up this informational site for women’s health on every subject under the sun

Here are some blogs by folks going through treatment.  If you or someone you know is being treated for cancer, it’s sometimes nice to have someone who is sharing in the “fun”.

Perks of Having Cancer.(…..what…like cancer is a BAD thing?)

Mainly Hopeful  Sharing her experience truthfully.

Blessings in Disguise   traveling with Rachel down the road to wellness with pit stops for spirituality

Believing in Christ Jesus Through All Things  Bernie shares his cancer experiences and insights

To those that are on my nominee list: nothing bad will happen to you at 9:00am tomorrow if you choose to just accept the nomination and move on 🙂  But it’s a great way to share the blogs that might help someone along the way.

Thanks all!

Stay healthy and happy!

Categories: blogging, health blogging

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24 replies

  1. Okay, I hope I did the rules correctly!!
    here’s your link:

    It’s miracle if it all worked!

  2. Congrats and thanks for the nomination. I just gave birth on Feb. 29 and I haven’t been able to blog, so I think others on the list deserve the nomination more than I do. 🙂 By the way, the baby is a boy!! I haven’t announced it on the web yet. I will have to write a post! I’ve become too lazy…

  3. Entertaining as usual, Susan Jean:) I can always count on you to make me smile……even on this cold, snowy Canadian morning.
    Cancer Warrior

  4. Thank you so much for the nominee! I am honored and am not expected this. Your blog inspires so many readers and bloggers in so many ways! I will try doing the same thing later on. I might not have 15 blogs I would regularly read:-(

    Today, I wanted to say “thank you so much for the lovely nominee” in advance.

  5. Thanks Savvy Sis –you never steer me wrong. I have bookmarked many of these blogs to explore in my leisure time — and thanks for the Canadian content (eh?). PEI is one of my favourite places, already listened to PL’s music podcast — it was great!

  6. Thanks so much Sister, I honestly think of you as one of my role models of blogging. You are proactive, positive, funny, & a most impressive artist. I can guarantee that out of the thousands of student that saw your “Welcome to Cougar Country” at least 90% of their first reactions was “Wow, that is an AWESOME painting” (the other 10% probably had visions of Cameron Diaz, Demi Moore, & the cast of Desperate Housewives (it’s on TV tonite!) dance thru their head:)

  7. This is so totally unexpected. I thought it was Meryl’s year.

  8. This is GREAT Savvy Sis!! Congrats! “Watch Me Lose 150 Pounds” knows a good blogger when he sees one!

  9. Thank you so much. Humbling!


  1. Sam Roberts Videos, Versatile Blogger Award, & Blair Dewar’s Homeground Atlantic Podcast | ONRPEI.CA

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